Latest Skin Care Tips

, by Ch-mars

[caption id="attachment_4802" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Latest Skin Care Tips"]Latest Skin Care Tips[/caption]

Teen age is the age full of excitement and enthusiasm. Much have to be done, the aims are at its height and the whole world look to be in feet. These are the mental states at teen age. The physical body conditions are such that hormonal variations are occurring rapidly and these variations affecting the whole body including skin.

So different eruptions are seen on skin if there is some inbalancing in hormones it will appear in form of acne, pimples and opening pores etc. but if the planed skin care is done at regular basis at this stage then it’s the best discoing to be taken. The impact of skin care regimen at now will show beautiful effects in whole life. By little effort at this stage save lot of your money and time in elder age

The following tips should be taken in teen age;

Avoid the sun;

Protect your skin from sun rays by applying sun screen. The heat rays will damage the skin texture as well as cause premature aging of the skin. It will also change your complexion so try to apply the sun screens as you go out side.
Eat healthy;

Eat well and remain well. In teen age the habit of eating healthy will be much effective then any other skin care habit. At this stage though the taste buds are difficult to satisfy without taste but the balanced diet contains all essential nutrients is most important. Plenty of water and fruits and vegetables are important for permanent skin glow and shiny complexion.
Use of cosmetics;

The cosmetics used in teen age should be carefully selected. These will be of standard quality and have the components which are not harsh to your skin type. The beauty experts may guide you the cosmetic products compatible to your skin. But it is important to avoid the unnecessary use of cosmetics at this age because the beauty of the skin is at it peak within itself.
Care should be planed;

The skin care should be well planed; it will be with proper cleansing with skin compatible lotion and moisturizing the skin on daily basis.
Genetic problem;

If the mom have some problem at its teen as acne or facial hairs etc then it may be transmitted in daughter so better to consult the dermatologist and take proper   skincare regimens from his or her.

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